This is a follow-on webinar following the Microsoft Event Microsoft Event on June 12, 2020. Large-scale documentation is a common occurrence in the public sector.
Large-scale documentation is a common occurrence in the public sector. Collecting, selecting, assembling, reading, analyzing and making sense of these documents is labour-intensive.
Until now, the computerized solutions in this domain mainly focus on improving search systems. 80% of research is conducted on only 20% of the available data. In addition, the great time-burner is during the process, when thorough reading is required.
Quickly scanning titles and summaries helps somewhat but not enough and reading the many pages in depth and interpreting images is costly and time consuming.
Data processing 20-50x faster
SynerScope has found a way to use the power of data processing in MS Azure to deliver a system that assists people in this reading and interpretation and makes that process 20-50x faster.
With SynerScope it is possible to build up empirical knowledge through large-scale analysis of project documents and archives on various matters such as: construction files, social/cultural files, safety matters and calamities.