Sometimes Too Good To Be True Blocks Disruptive Innovation
Author: Jan-Kees Buenen
Over the last few months we have had the opportunity to present our SynerScope Ixiwa solution to many prospect corporations and potential business partners. I have learned a lot from these conversations, both on how to make our offering even more user-friendly, as well as on which technical developments should be prioritized.
Disruptive technology
The most interesting insight however that I got from all these meetings directly results from having truly disruptive technology: generally people do not believe some of the things Ixiwa can do. They think it is too good to be true. For example, people do not believe that we can tag, analyze, categorize and match content of a data lake at a record level without having pre-created metadata. Other people struggle with believing that we can match structured and unstructured data without pre-defined search logic. They question if our patented many-to-many correlator truly can group content, elements or objects in logical clusters. Or they wonder if it is true that business users can easily add and use data-sets in the lake without IT support. Frankly stated: they think we oversell the capabilities of our platform.
Faster, high quality and value generating insights
So we learned we need to show what we can do as early as possible in the relationship; we demo on real data in a real data lake in a live environment so that our partners and clients can first hand experience how our technology works. And when we get to this point, people become enthusiastic and brainstorm about the projects they could do with our technology. Which of course is what we want; deploying our technology to help customers and partners get faster, high quality and value generating insights out of their data.
Demo our capabilities
So please do us a favor and give us a chance by allowing us to demo our capabilities, even if you don’t immediately believe our story. We promise we won’t disappoint you.