Tag Archive for: Scientific Visualization Technologies

SynerScope is shaping the future with disruptive High Speed Big Data Analytics Technologies

SynerScope is shaping the future of Law Enforcement and National security agencies with disruptive High Speed Big Data Analytics Technologies.

The Netherlands, 12 June 2017. The explosion of crimes, terrorists acts and cyberthreats and the amount of data to collect and analyse to deal with those threats, create a new challenge to achieve maximum protection and anticipation.

SynerScope Ultra-Fast Big data Analytics appliances will provide unique analytics solutions, fast investigations/exploration to Governments, National Security agencies and Law Enforcement bodies with an efficiency, a speed and a price never delivered to date in the market.

SynerScope data science and predictive analytics technologies help Analysts in storing, processing, analysing and do quick findings in large amount of structured (geo location, air traffic data, sensors data, license-plate readers, travel and credit-card records) and unstructured data (text documents, message traffic, phone data, social media data, speeches, images…).

Speed is achieved without the need of any upfront data modelling and cleaning. Cost efficiency is achieved using mass storage on a Hortonworks Hadoop Data lake.

This new market of mining billions of records of structured and unstructured data and crunching the data to find crucial clues, is pushed by intelligence and law enforcement agencies to use big data technologies to find suspicious activities  and predict crimes or terrorist acts before they happen. According to research firm MarketsandMarkets, the market for those new technologies is estimated to reach $9.2 billion by 2020, up from $3 billion in 2015.

About SynerScope

SynerScope, the next generation platform that provides analytics solutions to help discover critical insights from massive amounts of data, including dark data, and turning it into useful information and insights. SynerScope combines Scientific Visualization Technologies (MRI scanner), ultrafast predictive analytics and machine learning on top of its proprietary enterprise data navigation, -search and -linking.

This technology stack provides enterprises high speed detection of abnormal behaviours and anomalies in complex data. SynerScope operates in the following sectors: Banking, Insurance, Critical Infrastructure, and Cyber Security. Learn more at synerscope.com.

Synerscope has strategic partnerships with Hortonworks, Nvidia, IBM, SAP and Dell.


Marieke Beijsens

+31 (0)6 2364 4933

Email: marketing@synerscope.com

Tag Archive for: Scientific Visualization Technologies

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